Dotts Law Resources

Saipan’s Zoning Requirements to Obtain a Business License FAQ

Saipan’s Zoning Requirements to Obtain a Business License FAQ

When starting a business in Saipan you of course need a Business License. What many people don’t realize is that to obtain a Business License, in most circumstances, you will have to first obtain a Zoning Permit. Obtaining the Zoning Permit can be the most difficult...

Tax Filing in the CNMI FAQ

Tax Filing in the CNMI FAQ

Welcome to the CNMI! For people who have just arrived in the CNMI from outside the US, the tax system can be confusing. This article is an introduction to the CNMI tax system which might be helpful on your filing decisions.Yes. The CNMI tax system is partially based...

The New Interim Final Rule

The New Interim Final Rule

On June 18, 2020, the new Interim Final Rule (IFR) of the Northern Mariana Islands U.S. Workforce Act of 2018 (the “Workforce Act”) became effective. All new applications shall be filed on new forms under new requirements. This article is an introduction of some of...

How the CARES Act Can Help Businesses in the CNMI

How the CARES Act Can Help Businesses in the CNMI

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, a lot of businesses in the CNMI have closed. More are closing. Some employers are planning to temporarily let their employees go to save on costs. At this moment, it is unclear when this global health emergency will end. A lot of...

The CARES Act: Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act

The CARES Act: Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act

Frequently Asked Questions – Money Available to Small Businesses to Help Recover from the COVID-19 PandemicThe CARES ActThe full name is Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act. It is the new act Congress created to provide financial aid to individuals and...

Tax Update: Filing Date Extended

Tax Update: Filing Date Extended

On March 24, the Governor extended the tax filing and payment deadline for both individuals and corporations to July 15, 2020 through the Department of Finance, Division of Revenue & Taxation. This extension gives taxpayers who owe money to the government an...

Does the Tax Extension to July 15 Apply to the CNMI? – Not Yet

Does the Tax Extension to July 15 Apply to the CNMI? – Not Yet

On Friday, March 21, 2020, the Trump Administration announced the unprecedented move to extend all tax filings and tax payment for 90 days to help the US economy weather the COVID-19 virus. Instead of April 15, Federal tax filers now have until July 15, 2020 to both...

Real Estate Option Contracts

Real Estate Option Contracts

Recently in our office we have seen clients who have signed “option contracts” to sell their property and didn’t understand what they had signed. This article is a brief explanation of the option contract, and how this type of contract is being used in the CNMI in...